I have problem with logining to ispCP from my external apllication, where is user authorized and can see all of his accounts from there.
I want, to simple clicking be loged in ispCP...
I seted up this sessions and write it to database, but when i redirect to admin.mypage.tld it isnt working...please help me...if you understand what i need
$_SESSION['user_logged'] = $name;
$_SESSION['user_pass'] = $pass;
$_SESSION['user_type'] = $type;
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $id;
$_SESSION['user_email'] = $email;
$_SESSION['user_created_by'] = $by;
$_SESSION['user_login_time'] = $cas;
$_SESSION['logged_from'] = $id;
$_SESSION['logged_from_id'] = $id;
$con->query("INSERT INTO login(session_id,ipaddr,lastaccess,user_name) VALUES('".session_id()."','".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."','".$time."','".$name."')");
write_log($name." logged in.");