(01-21-2010 05:42 PM)kilburn Wrote: Indeed, you're in a tough situation :S
Quote:Do you have any backups?
I have backups of:
but I forgot to do a db dump :'-(
and the problem is that the situation was bad also before my attempt.
Quote:You may try to reinstall rc6 and restore the db backup so you get a working panel again.
Is there somewhere any automatic db backup?
Quote:To prepare a "full recovery plan" I would need more information (what kind of changes have you made to apache's config? Can you loose them and manually re-apply them later?
It seems that the biggest problem was (and is) the file:
Ispcp messing up it many times, duplicating items and so on.
From the panel was impossible to change the status of a domain.
The same was with /etc/bind/named.conf but this is simpler to maintain by hands.
Now I fear to start again the ispcp daemon.
Quote:What kind of errors are you getting now?).
From the point of view of the panel, quite all domain are in a bogus status.
For example, after this command:
select domain_name, domain_status from domain;
I get this:
get_tag() | ERROR: '# httpd [{IP}] virtual host entry BEGIN.
' ne '# httpd [{IP}] virtual host entry END.
', '# httpd [{IP}] virtual host entry BEGIN.
' or '# httpd [{IP}] virtual host entry END.
' missing in src !
Anyway, ispcp knows its status:
"We are sorry, but the system is currently under maintenance.
Please try again later."
Quote:Hope this helps...
Many thanks
One important thing to add: the fqdn hostname was changed!
This could be one of the reason of my problems.
What I have to change in the configuration files to change the hostname?