i'm new to ispCP ..
i've been having a root since 2004 or so. back then it used
suse 9 or earlier as os, in 2007 i changed from suse to debian 3.1 sarge.
and now a few days ago i wanted to update debian stuff and had to
accept that debian sarge was discontinued. so i upgraded to 4.3 etch
and had to accept that my mailing system and the old CP (SA24) got ruined.
so i then upgraded to debian 5 (always with apt-get / aptitude) and
i still can't use my old email account nor do i have any usable controlpanel.
today i found vhcs2 which i installed but which failed to work. in a german
board somebody suggested to use ispCP instead of vhcs. so i checked
about ispCP, downladed it, installed it with no errors and all nice.
but it reminds me of visas and/or confixx. i have to add an reseller and
then a domain to add email accounts and all that to a root server?
maybe i had to do this with debian3.1 + SA24 (serveradmin24) aswell, i can't remember.
can i add email accounts without adding resellers and all?
and how do i get rid of this 30 minute block ??
besides that, it seems to be a very good CP .. i'm happy i've found
a CP again

.. i am using webmin but that isn't that good either.
and, i found the language packages, but how do i install them or
where do i have to put them? i haven't found infos on this.
i am american/german but prefer german for most stuff, hehe