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Some stuff for the FAQ
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
Maybe its better to deploy a WIKI as the FAQ or documentation? Sometimes I want to correct grammar and rewrite paragraphs in the FAQs but I dont have the permission. It's too much hassle to go through the application to get access to the FAQs and then wait for them to be moderated.
05-30-2007 11:42 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #22
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
You can send me a PM or write it here down.
So i can corret my errors Rolleyes
English is not my native languages....

Or you talk with ephigenie about an account to edit the FAQ.
05-30-2007 11:56 PM
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El Rico Offline

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Post: #23
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
How can i disable that ispCP sends me mails of each and everything ?
Quote:If you want to avoid getting Emails from ispCP, remove the "DEFAULT_ADMIN_ADDRESS" setting in "etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf".

How can I implement/configure the Control Panel in a multi server environment?
Quote:on just one host, managed
Quote:Next you need a share for the virtual sites and the database. Therefore, create an nfs share on host4 and mount it on each host.
Quote:since the default behavior is to use the same IP as the ControlPanel host. You can change the IP in the options menu.

How can i Upgrade from VHCS 2.4.7 ?
Quote:There will be an Update Script in the Stable Release to Upgrade from 2.4.7 to ispCP Omega.

For now you have to wait for the release of a Stable Version.

How do I get ispCP Omega?
Quote:Keep an eye on the download page to stay updated about the latest releases.

What's the difference between VHCS, ispCP Omega and ispCP?
Quote:* VHCS is a Virtual Hosting Panel (which has not been updated for more than a year)
* ispCP Omega is a fork of VHCS to provide the much (you really don't want to use barely here) needed updates to VHCS.

Where can i find my Webmailer, PMA and Filemanger ?
Quote:and the Filemanager can be found in the tools folder.
With default settings this refers to the following webpages:

Which qualifications do I need to join the development team?
Quote:or if you can deliver interesting work to us, we will consider to give you an SVN account to implement changes on your own.

postfix & Aol
This one needs a general rewrite in my humble opinion, currently it has a draft like style.

Will there be an upgrade from VHCS to ispCP Omega?
Duplicate of "How can i Upgrade from VHCS 2.4.7 ?"

Can´t change the language in the Webmailer
Quote:and the change does not apply, make sure that you have the needed locales installed. If they are missing you can install them with

How can i disable Postgrey ?
Quote:Additional information about Greylisting:
Port 25 is used for incoming mails from other servers - those are greylisted.
Quote:Port 587 is used for outgoing mails (send by you and your customers) - Make sure to use SMTP Auth when sending Emails.

How can i disable strong Passwords ?
Quote:strong Passwords (the enforcement of characters AND numbers in the password)
Quote:and change the following settings according to your needs:

Incorrect password range or syntax!
Quote:All Passwords in ispCP Omega have to contain Letters AND Numbers, to enhance password security.

If you get this Error, your Password does not consist of letters and numbers, or it is too short.
Use a password that consists of letters and numbers and has a minimum length of six characters. These requirements for the password can be changed.

Where is my right php.ini ??(You might want to change the titel to "Where can I find the php.ini for example.tld?" ("right" is not the correct word in this syntax))
Quote:Per default ispCP uses FastCGI and PHP4/PHP5.
Because of that every Domain has its own php.ini that can be found under:

Problems with special chars on Debian-Systems !
Quote:Since the release of etch, Debian uses UTF-8 as default charset. For now most parts of the source code are not written in UTF-8.
You can change the default charset back to its previous default by modifying the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:

phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons
Quote:phpinfo() functions is per default disabled.
Quote:/php4 or php5 (according to what you use for the domain in question)
Quote:in this line, so that it looks like this
Quote:Apply this change only

I did not fix capitalization and wrong apostrophes or commas. Furthermore there are quite some unnecessary spaces in the FAQ titles, for example " ?" (known as plenk in Germany) and even a "??".
Some of the changes suggested might be considered nitpicking (I do not regard them as "complete" by the way) but no offense to anybody is intended. Please double check the suggestions as they might contain errors themselves.
05-31-2007 08:24 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #24
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
It's not nitpicking (just learned a new word) - I also like correct texts at least in FAQ and other docus...

If you want to avoid getting Emails from ispCP, remove the "DEFAULT_ADMIN_ADDRESS" setting in "etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf"

not remove, better set to an empty string
... and the path is missing a leading slash :-)

good night...
(This post was last modified: 05-31-2007 08:39 AM by joximu.)
05-31-2007 08:39 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #25
RE: Some stuff for the FAQ
Thanks for your perfect changes.
I changed it in the FAQ.

Seems that i have to learn more English....Smile
05-31-2007 04:11 PM
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