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Customers Manual
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Lucan Offline
Beta Team

Posts: 982
Joined: Jul 2008
Reputation: 12
Post: #21
RE: Customers Manual
Ok, here we go.

Quote:// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = "With an Email-client you are able to fetch your Emails on an easy way.
To fetch your Emails from a POP3-Email-account, you need the following access data:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "In- and Out- going Server (ask your webhoster)";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Username/Login&user: Enter your IspCP username (for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "User (POP3- or IMAP-Email accout, for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password (password for your POP3- or IMAP-Email account)";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "If you would like to fetch your Emails of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account, by using Outlook Express, you have to create a new Email account.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "For that you have to start Outlook Express and chose "Accounts" on the "Extras-Menu".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Now press the "Add" button and chose "Email...".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Enter your name and Email adress.
At the In- and Out- going Server input field, you have to enter the server name, that your webhoster gave you.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "At the "Account name" input field, you have to enter the username of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = "Start your Netscape Messenger and chose the menu item "Settings" from the "Edit" menu. Chose the "Mail Servers" page from the "Mail & Newsgroups" categorie.";
$netscape_text_2 = "At first you have to enter the SMTP-Server name for sending Emails. You will get these server adress by your webhoster.
Now you have to enter the name of the POP3- or IMAP- Server, which will receive your messanges by pressing the "Add" button.";
$netscape_text_3 = "At the popped up window, you now have to enter the servername, which your webhoster gave you.
You also have to enter the name of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account, which you have created over the IspCP-Web-Surface.";

Next part will follow later this evening, i've gotta do other things right now.

And Dixeon, please tell me your name, your email adress and your website, then i'll add your details into the
Quote:Copyright © 2009 english translation by

(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009 04:24 AM by Lucan.)
02-05-2009 12:46 AM
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Lucan Offline
Beta Team

Posts: 982
Joined: Jul 2008
Reputation: 12
Post: #22
RE: Customers Manual
Next part:

Quote:// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "While creating a domain (for a user), the following schedules are created automatically:";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - Here will be all HTML-, PHP- files etc. be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - Here will be all CGI-Scripts be saved (if your administrator allows you to)."
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - Here will be all ErrorPages be saved at.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - Here will be all Apache-Logfiles be saved for this domain.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - Here will be saved a backup of your files (in a ZIP-file) every day.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Your TMP folder.";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "The HTML-page, which is getting accessed when just your domain (for example is entered, must be named as one of the staed below:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> is the privileged one!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Account name:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Declaration about the logged in account";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Main domain:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Your Main domain (name)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "PHP-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "CGI-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "SQL-support: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Declaration if this feature is activated for you";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Software installation: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdomains:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Number of added Sub-Domains for your Main-Domain / max. number of Sub-Domains, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Domain-Aliases:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Number of added Domain-Aliases for your Main-Domain/ max. number of Domain- Aliases, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "Mail-Accounts:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Number of added E-Mail-Accounts / max. number of E-Mail-Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "FTP-Accounts: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Number of added FTP-Accounts / max. number of FTP-Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "SQL-Databases:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Number of added SQL-Datenbanken / max. number of SQL Databases.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "SQL-Users:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Number of added SQL-Useres / max. number of SQL-Users.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Transfer volume (Traffic):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "The whole created traffic by your website.
The traffic, which is getting removed of your whole traffic volume, is the traffic that you create when you up- and download files via FTP and the traffic that your website creates, when it's getting accessed. Next to this notice, your whole traffic volume is displayed.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Storage usage:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Used storage / max. storage";
02-05-2009 02:36 AM
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Lucan Offline
Beta Team

Posts: 982
Joined: Jul 2008
Reputation: 12
Post: #23
RE: Customers Manual
And the next one, which will be the last one for today properly.
Quote:// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Domain name = Username (so there can't be any confusion)";
$various_text_2 = "Adding a domain = Adding a user (or backwards)";
$various_text_3 = "Email account username = Email account (for example";
$various_text_4 = "The FTP account (username) is supplemented by the domain name (for example";
$various_text_5 = "The main directory (of a domain rather a end customers account) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Hightlights by CGI-Scripts / Perl programs";
$highlights_text_2 = "After you have uploaded your CGI-Scripts, in the right format (ASCII / Binary), they have be made executable.";
$highlights_text_3 = "For that, you have to CHMOD these Scripts to 755 by using a FTP-program. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "For some CGI-programs, you may have to use a other CHMOD than 755 for some folders / files.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Please read the installation manual of your CGI-program, to get the knowledge of which files / folders have to get which CHMOD.";

// General informations
// Left Navi
$info_text1 = "Overview";
$info_text2 = "Change password";
$info_text3 = "Change own documents";
$info_text4 = "Language";
$info_text5 = Tariff change";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent
$index_text_1 = "At the main page (main menu) some data of your website will be listed.";
$index_text_3 = "The first stated value represents the actual number of value (for example the used storage), the stated value behind that, shows the max. value, which you can not excess.
So for exanple the report "mail accounts 5/10" means, that you have already used 5 of 10 available mail accounts.";
$index_text_4 = "At "definition" you will get more information about this area.";
$index_text_5 = "Usage of the ispCP-Web-Surface";
$index_text_6 = "At the main menu, you are able to add / change certain actions. At the following description the different possibilities will be explained.";

$index_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$index_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_password.php Pagecontent
$change_password_text_1 = "Hier können Sie Ihr Passwort ändern, mit dem Sie sich in die ispCP-Web-Oberfläche einloggen.";
$change_password_text_2 = "Um Ihr Passwort zu ändern, geben Sie einfach Ihr Aktuelles und neues Passwort ein und bestätigen die Änderung mit einem Klick auf <b>„Passwort aktualisieren“</b>.";
$change_password_text_3 = "Ihr Passwort sollte nur aus Buchstaben und Ziffern bestehen, keinen Begriff aus einem Wörterbuch oder einen Namen enthalten. Aus Sicherheitsgründen sollte es mindestens 6 Zeichen lang sein.";
$change_password_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1.png";
$change_password_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "In this area you are able to edit your personal data.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "To save your edited data, you just have to click at <b>"update data"</b>. You can change your First name, Last name, Gender, Company, Street, additional Street, ZIP/Postal code, City, Country, (possible additions), Email, Phone and Fax number.";
$change_personal_data_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1.png";
$change_personal_data_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "When you read this manual, your native language may be english :-)";
$language_text_2 = "If you prefer to read this manual in a other language, you have some options to chose.";
$language_text_3 = "Status message";
$language_text_4 = "Your ispCP Omega ISP (ispCP Omega Internet Service Provider) has the possibility to install additional languages.";

$language_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1.png";
$language_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1_kl.png";
$language_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2.png";
$language_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2_kl.png";
$language_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3.png";
$language_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3_kl.png";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "If your ispCP Omega ISP offers different hosting packages, you have here the possibility to switch to a different package.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "For this you have to click at <b>"Change Tariff"</b>.";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Press the <b>"Order"</b>-link and your ISP will activate your tariff imediatly.";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = "If you would like to cancel your Order, press the <b>"Cancel Order"</b> button.";

$update_hostingplan_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_7 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_8 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4_kl.png";

// Manage domains
// Left Navi
$domain_text1 = "Overview";
$domain_text2 = "Add subdomain";
$domain_text3 = "Add alias";

(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009 04:08 AM by Lucan.)
02-05-2009 04:07 AM
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DiXeoN Offline

Posts: 284
Joined: Feb 2008
Reputation: 2
Post: #24
RE: Customers Manual
This should be the three sections written above:

Quote:// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = "With an Email-client you are able to fetch your emails in an easy way.
To fetch your Emails from a POP3-email-account, you need the following access data:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "In- and Outgoing Server (ask your webhost)";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Username/Login: Enter your ispCP username (for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "User (POP3- or IMAP-Email account, for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password (password for your POP3- or IMAP-Email account)";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "If you would like to fetch your emails of your POP3 or IMAP email account, by using Outlook Express, you have to create a new email account.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "For that you have to start Outlook Express and chose "Accounts" on the "Extras-Menu".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Now press the "Add" button and chose "Email...".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Enter your name and email-address.
At the In- and Out- going Server input field, you have to enter the server name, your webhost gave you.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "At the "Account name" input field, you have to enter the username of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = "Start your Netscape Messenger and chose the menu item "Settings" from the "Edit" menu. Chose the "Mail Servers" page from the "Mail & Newsgroups" category.";
$netscape_text_2 = "At first you have to enter the SMTP-Server name for sending emails. You will get this address by your webhost.
Now you have to enter the name of the POP3 or IMAP Server, which will receive your messages by pressing the "Add" button.";
$netscape_text_3 = "At the popped up window, you now have to enter the servername, which your webhost gave you.
You also have to enter the name of your POP3- or IMAP- Email account, which you have created over the IspCP-Web-Surface.";
// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "While creating a domain (for a user), the following schedules are created automatically:";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - Here will all the HTML-, PHP- files etc. be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - Here will all the CGI-Scripts be saved (if your administrator allows you to use such)."
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - Here will all the error pages be saved at.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - Here will all the Apache logfiles be saved for this domain.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - Here will be saved a backup of your files (in a ZIP-file) every day.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Your TMP folder.";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "The HTML-page, which is getting accessed when just your domain (for example is entered, must be named as one of the stated below:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> is the privileged one!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Account name:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Declaration about the logged in account";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Main domain:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Your main domain (name)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "PHP-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "CGI-support:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "SQL-support: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Declaration if this feature is activated for you";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Software installation: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdomains:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Number of added Subdomains for your Main-Domain / maximum number of Subdomains, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Domain aliases:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Number of added Domain aliases for your Main domain/ maximum number of Domain aliases, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "E-Mail accounts:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Number of added E-Mail-Accounts / maximum number of E-Mail-Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "FTP-Accounts: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Number of added FTP accounts / maximum number of FTP accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "SQL-Databases:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Number of added SQL databases / maximum number of SQL Databases.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "SQL-Users:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Number of added SQL users / maximum number of SQL-Users.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Transfer volume (Traffic):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "The whole traffic made by your website.
The traffic, which is getting removed of your whole traffic volume, is the traffic that you create when you up- and download files trough FTP, and the traffic that your website creates, when it's getting accessed. Next to this notice, your whole traffic volume is displayed.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Storage usage:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Used storage / maximum storage";
// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Domain name = Username (so there won't be any confusion)";
$various_text_2 = "Adding a domain = Adding a user (or backwards)";
$various_text_3 = "Email account username = Email account (for example";
$various_text_4 = "The FTP account (username) is supplemented by the domain name (for example";
$various_text_5 = "The main directory (of a domain rather than the end customers account) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Highlights by CGI-Scripts / Perl programs";
$highlights_text_2 = "After you have uploaded your CGI-Scripts, in the right format (ASCII / Binary), they have must be made executable.";
$highlights_text_3 = "For that, you have to CHMOD these Scripts to 755 by using a FTP-client. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "For some CGI-programs, you may have to use a other CHMOD than 755 for some folders / files.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Please read the installation manual of your CGI-program, to get the knowledge of which files / folders have to get which CHMOD.";

// General informations
// Left Navi
$info_text1 = "Overview";
$info_text2 = "Change password";
$info_text3 = "Change own documents";
$info_text4 = "Language";
$info_text5 = "Hosting package change";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent
$index_text_1 = "At the main page (main menu) some data of your website will be listed.";
$index_text_3 = "The first stated value represents the actual number of value (for example the used storage), the stated value behind that, shows the maximum value, which you can’t exceed.
So for example, the report "Mail accounts: 5/10" means, that you have already used 5 of 10 available mail accounts.";
$index_text_4 = "At "definition" you will get more information about this area.";
$index_text_5 = "Usage of the ispCP-Web surface";
$index_text_6 = "At the main menu, you are able to add / change certain actions. At the following description the different possibilities will be explained.";

$index_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$index_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_password.php Pagecontent
$change_password_text_1 = "When logged into the ispCP Web-surface, you can change your password.";
$change_password_text_2 = " In order to change your password, simply enter your updates, your new password and confirm the changes by clicking on <b>"Update password" </ b>. "
$ change_password_text_3 = "Your password should only contain letters and numbers, no words from a dictionary or a name. For safety reasons it should be at least 6 characters long.";
$change_password_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1.png";
$change_password_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/change_password/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "In this area you are able to edit your personal data.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "To save your edited data, you just have to click <b>"Update data"</b>. You can change your First name, Last name, Gender, Company, Street name, additional Street name, ZIP/Postal code, City, Country, (possible additions), Email, Phone and Fax number.";
$change_personal_data_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1.png";
$change_personal_data_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "When you read this manual, your native language may be English :-)";
$language_text_2 = "If you prefer to read this manual in a other language, you have some options to chose within.";
$language_text_3 = "Status message";
$language_text_4 = "Your ispCP Omega ISP (ispCP Omega Internet Service Provider) has the possibility to install additional languages.";

$language_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1.png";
$language_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1_kl.png";
$language_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2.png";
$language_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2_kl.png";
$language_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3.png";
$language_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3_kl.png";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "If your ispCP Omega ISP offers different hosting packages, you have here the possibility to switch to a different package.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "To do this,you have to click at <b>"Change Package"</b>.";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Press the <b>"Order"</b>-link and your ISP will activate your newly ordered package imediatly.";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = "If you would like to cancel youroOrder, press the <b>"Cancel Order"</b> button.";

$update_hostingplan_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_7 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_8 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4_kl.png";

// Manage domains
// Left Navi
$domain_text1 = "Overview";
$domain_text2 = "Add subdomain";
$domain_text3 = "Add alias";

And for the copyright stuff:
Quote:Copyright © 2009 english translation by Frederik Nielsen (

(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009 06:38 PM by DiXeoN.)
02-05-2009 06:37 PM
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bpratt Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 71
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Post: #25
RE: Customers Manual
Just my suggestions/minor alterations. Smile

(02-05-2009 12:46 AM)Lucan Wrote:  
Quote:// write_send_an_email.php Pagecontent
$write_send_an_email_text_1 = "With an Email client you are able to pickup your emails easily.
To pickup your Emails from a POP3/IMAP email account, you will need the following access data:";
$write_send_an_email_text_2 = "Incoming and Outgoing Server (ask your webhost)";
$write_send_an_email_text_3 = "Username/Login&user: Enter your IspCP username (for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_4 = "User (POP3 or IMAP email account, for example";
$write_send_an_email_text_5 = "Password (password for your POP3 or IMAP email account)";

// outlook_express.php Pagecontent
$outlook_express_text_1 = "If you would like to pickup your emails from your POP3 or IMAP email account using Outlook Express, you have to create a new Email account.";
$outlook_express_text_2 = "For that you have to start Outlook Express and choose "Accounts" on the "Tools Menu".";
$outlook_express_text_3 = "Now press the "Add" button and choose "Email...".";
$outlook_express_text_4 = "Enter your name and email address.
At the Incoming and Outgoing Server input field, you have to enter the server name, that your webhost gave you.";
$outlook_express_text_5 = "At the "Account name" input field, you have to enter the username of your POP3 or IMAP email account.";

// netscape.php Pagecontent
$netscape_text_1 = "Start your Netscape Messenger and choose the menu item "Settings" from the "Edit" menu. Choose the "Mail Servers" page from the "Mail & Newsgroups" category.";
$netscape_text_2 = "At first you have to enter the SMTP Server name for sending Emails. You will get these server addresses by your webhost.
Now you have to enter the name of the POP3 or IMAP Server, which will receive your messages by pressing the "Add" button.";
$netscape_text_3 = "At the popped up window, you now have to enter the servername, which your webhost gave you.
You also have to enter the name of your POP3 or IMAP email account, which you have created over the IspCP Web interface.";

again, my alterations/suggestions. Smile

(02-05-2009 02:36 AM)Lucan Wrote:  Next part:

Quote:// folder_structure.php Pagecontent
$folder_structure_text_1 = "While creating a domain (for a user), the following schedules are created automatically:";
$folder_structure_text_2 = "htdocs - in here all HTML, PHP files etc. will be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_3 = "cgi-bin - in here all CGI Scripts will be saved (if your administrator allows you to)."
$folder_structure_text_4 = "errors - in here all ErrorPages will be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_5 = "logs - in here all Apache Logfiles for this domain will be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_6 = "backups - in here all your automatic daily backups will be saved.";
$folder_structure_text_7 = "phptmp – Your TMP folder.";

// index_home.php Pagecontent
$index_home_text_1 = "The HTML page, which is accessed by default when just your domain (for example is entered, must be named as one of the stated below:";
$index_home_text_2 = "index.php";
$index_home_text_3 = "index.php3";
$index_home_text_4 = "index.phtml";
$index_home_text_5 = "index.htm";
$index_home_text_6 = "index.html";
$index_home_text_7 = "index.shtml";
$index_home_text_8 = "<b>index.html</b> is the privileged one!";

// index_of_contents.php Pagecontent
$index_of_contents_text_1 = "Account name:";
$index_of_contents_text_2 = "Declaration about the logged in account";
$index_of_contents_text_3 = "Main domain:";
$index_of_contents_text_4 = "Your Main domain (name)";
$index_of_contents_text_5 = "PHP support:";
$index_of_contents_text_6 = "CGI support:";
$index_of_contents_text_7 = "SQL support: ";
$index_of_contents_text_8 = "Declaration if this feature is activated for you";
$index_of_contents_text_9 = "Software installation: ";
$index_of_contents_text_10 = "Subdomains:";
$index_of_contents_text_11 = "Number of added Sub-Domains to your Main-Domain / max. number of Sub-Domains, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_12 = "Domain Aliases:";
$index_of_contents_text_13 = "Number of added Domain Aliases for your Main-Domain/ max. number of Domain Aliases, that you are able to add.";
$index_of_contents_text_14 = "Mail Accounts:";
$index_of_contents_text_15 = "Number of added E-Mail Accounts / max. number of E-Mail Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_16 = "FTP Accounts: ";
$index_of_contents_text_17 = "Number of added FTP Accounts / max. number of FTP Accounts.";
$index_of_contents_text_18 = "SQL Databases:";
$index_of_contents_text_19 = "Number of added SQL Databases / max. number of SQL Databases.";
$index_of_contents_text_20 = "SQL Users:";
$index_of_contents_text_t21 = "Number of added SQL Users / max. number of SQL Users.";
$index_of_contents_text_22 = "Transfer volume (Traffic):";
$index_of_contents_text_23 = "The total traffic by your website.
The traffic, which is getting moved by your whole traffic volume, is the traffic that you create when you upload and download files via FTP and the traffic that your website creates, when it's getting accessed. Next to this notice, your total traffic volume is displayed.";
$index_of_contents_text_24 = "Storage usage:";
$index_of_contents_text_25 = "Used storage / max. storage";

and more. Smile

(02-05-2009 04:07 AM)Lucan Wrote:  And the next one, which will be the last one for today properly.
Quote:// various.php Pagecontent
$various_text_1 = "Domain name = Username (so there can't be any confusion)";
$various_text_2 = "Adding a domain = Adding a user (or backwards)";
$various_text_3 = "Email account username = Email account (i.e.";
$various_text_4 = "The FTP account (username) is suffixed by the domain name (for example";
$various_text_5 = "The main directory (of a domain of a end customers account) = /var/www/virtual/";

// manual_page_13.php Pagecontent
$highlights_text_1 = "Highlights by CGI Scripts / Perl programs";
$highlights_text_2 = "After you have uploaded your CGI Scripts, in the right format (ASCII / Binary), they have to be made executable.";
$highlights_text_3 = "For that, you have to CHMOD these Scripts to 755 by using a FTP program. ";
$highlights_text_4 = "For some CGI programs, you may have to use a alternate CHMOD than 755 for some folders / files.";
$highlights_text_5 = "Please read the installation manual of your CGI program, to get the knowledge of which files / folders have to get which CHMOD.";

// General informations
// Left Navi
$info_text1 = "Overview";
$info_text2 = "Change password";
$info_text3 = "Change own documents";
$info_text4 = "Language";
$info_text5 = Tariff change";

// ./general_information/index.php Pagecontent
$index_text_1 = "At the main page (main menu) some details of your website will be listed.";
$index_text_3 = "The first stated value represents the actual number of value (i.e. the used storage), the stated value behind that, shows the max. value, which you can not exceed.
So for example the report "mail accounts 5/10" means, that you have already used 5 of 10 available mail accounts.";
$index_text_4 = "At "definition" you will get more information about this area.";
$index_text_5 = "Usage of the ispCP Web interface";
$index_text_6 = "At the main menu, you are able to add / change certain actions. At the following description the different possibilities will be explained.";

$index_image_1 = "$images_path/overview.png";
$index_image_2 = "$images_path/overview_kl.png";

// ./general_information/change_personal_data.php Pagecontent
$change_personal_data_text_1 = "In this area you are able to edit your personal data.";
$change_personal_data_text_2 = "To save your edited data, you just have to click at <b>"update data"</b>. You can change your First name, Last name, Gender, Company, Street, additional Street, Postal code, City, Country, (possible additions), Email, Phone and Fax number.";
$change_personal_data_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1.png";
$change_personal_data_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/personal_data/1_kl.png";

// ./general_information/language.php Pagecontent
$language_text_1 = "When you read this manual, your native language may be English :-)";
$language_text_2 = "If you prefer to read this manual in a other language, you have some options to chose.";
$language_text_3 = "Status message";
$language_text_4 = "Your ispCP Omega ISP (ispCP Omega Internet Service Provider) has the possibility to install additional languages.";

$language_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1.png";
$language_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/language/1_kl.png";
$language_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2.png";
$language_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/language/2_kl.png";
$language_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3.png";
$language_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/language/3_kl.png";

// ./general_information/update_hostingplan.php Pagecontent
$update_hostingplan_text_1 = "If your ispCP Omega ISP offers different hosting packages, you have here the possibility to switch to a different package.";
$update_hostingplan_text_2 = "For this you have to click at <b>"Change Tariff"</b>.";
$update_hostingplan_text_3 = "Press the <b>"Order"</b>-link and your ISP will activate your tariff immediately.";
$update_hostingplan_text_4 = "If you would like to cancel your Order, press the <b>"Cancel Order"</b> button.";

$update_hostingplan_image_1 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_2 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/1_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_3 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_4 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/2_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_5 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_6 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/3_kl.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_7 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4.png";
$update_hostingplan_image_8 = "$images_path/general_information/update_hostingplan/4_kl.png";

// Manage domains
// Left Navi
$domain_text1 = "Overview";
$domain_text2 = "Add subdomain";
$domain_text3 = "Add alias";

There was a bit of non-English text there that I had no idea of. Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2009 02:38 PM by bpratt.)
02-07-2009 02:04 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Posts: 982
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Post: #26
RE: Customers Manual
A short preliminary result, we are almost finished.
The user Mastacheata translated also a big part of the file, so that we realy came a big step forward.
I just asked him to translate the ultimate part, because his english seems to be much better than mine =)

Now i'm waiting for his answer and then i'll post the whole translated file here, so that everybody can read it and search for mistakes.

Greets and thanks again to Dixeon and Mestacheata, and of cause to CHBIE.

02-10-2009 07:33 AM
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joximu Offline

Posts: 7,024
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Post: #27
RE: Customers Manual
I was asked to close this...

02-17-2009 01:18 AM
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