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Poll: Is an irc server a good idea?
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Awesome, this is a great idea now we can disucc problem ver easy. 19.23% 5 19.23%
This can work, but a free server is enougf. 57.69% 15 57.69%
Meh, i don't think this will be a succes nobody will join it. 19.23% 5 19.23%
Haha, you are kidding right? use the search you see we already tried this. 3.85% 1 3.85%
Total 26 votes 100%
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Ispcp irc server.
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greg Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Ispcp irc server.
My opinion is that an irc channel on a server like freenode can be useful.

I agree that is very difficult for the dev team to be present all the time. The forum and the online documentation must be the main source of information (I also think that language's corner are a bad idea... Lot of post in the german one that I can't understand... I'm a french guy but I think it's more useful to post in english for everybody). But the channel could be a place to have a discussion more interactive to solve a problem, to ask some specific questions...

For example, after a post on the forum, we could meet on the channel to discuss the problems and the solutions, like the dev team can do with skype. After that, we have to post the result on the forum's thread.

So why not, I'm agree to use it on occasion, when I want to contribute to this project.
07-06-2007 05:56 AM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #32
RE: Ispcp irc server.
I said it before, keep the information together at one place !!

We got an open FAQ, why not contribute to that with all your solutions !

We have an option for making HowTo's, why not use that too!

It's an free world, you can make all your chats and channel, but don't exspect that the dev-team will use it, as all are working people with very buzy jobs, doing a lot on the codes allready.

Also I'm sure that not all solutions will reach the Forum, FAQ or HowTo's, due to the fact that a lot of the users are happy with the problems solved for them self and don't care if anybody else get the info, just look thru the forum, how often you see, I got it solved, thanks alot. But no explenation at all about HOW it was solved, also many of the users thinks with their Neard-brain, not giving a full descriptions of Where, What and How. and that is confusing the not so old users.

So my opinion are, You can all do better with cleaning up the act at the forum also making the search options better then.
07-06-2007 06:40 PM
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Z4P Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Ispcp irc server.
JEay, but i'm a newbie in the codes with ispcp. I don't know if the things i change can harm other settings, or jusg only work on my install. I don't wan't place a howto that is not totally correct. Then a chat is usefull to discuss it before i post it. And i think more people have this.
07-06-2007 06:44 PM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #34
RE: Ispcp irc server.
Z4P Wrote:JEay, but i'm a newbie in the codes with ispcp. I don't know if the things i change can harm other settings, or jusg only work on my install. I don't wan't place a howto that is not totally correct. Then a chat is usefull to discuss it before i post it. And i think more people have this.

It's an free world, you can make all your chats and channel, but don't exspect that the dev-team will use it, as all are working people with very buzy jobs, doing a lot on the codes allready.
07-06-2007 07:37 PM
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Kev Offline

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Post: #35
RE: Ispcp irc server.
joximu Wrote:[...]It's very annoying to write the same thing several times.
A chat doen't solve this problem. I'd rather put some work on a good documentation/FAQ[...].
[..]that FAQ is a good start but it's to static[...]

I fully agree with that! A normal FAQ is to static, but we have the WIKI.

I think it would be the best to form a habit of making a page in the wiki if a (general) problem is solved. It costs only a few minutes to make a wiki-page out of a problem in the forum but it saves a lot of time when somone other has the same problem. And secondary it generates a great handbook on one place for everyone who is new to isp-control and want to read compressed informations.

It is possible to make a chat channel, but that is better for specific solutions and not for general problems. So I think we can wait a while and if there are to much topics like "nothing works" we have stil the possibility to open a chat-channel.

07-06-2007 10:16 PM
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jonn3 Offline

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Post: #36
RE: Ispcp irc server.
The irc logs atm will only containt echos of me trying to gain contact with the two other users on the chan, c'mon people, joinSmile
07-26-2007 04:40 PM
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ergo Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Ispcp irc server.
oh cmon... be reasonable , use as all other nice projects do. A lot more programmers and sysadmins use it.
05-06-2008 06:16 PM
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kassah Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Ispcp irc server.
*bump* I'm lonely on IRC!

Also, could we get SVN commit and Forum post information propagated to IRC?
11-06-2010 07:07 AM
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kassah Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Ispcp irc server.
[15:19] * sci2tech ( has joined #ispcp
[15:20] * sci2tech has quit (Client Quit)
[15:22] <kassah> of course he joins and leaves =P

... not fair ...
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2010 08:24 AM by kassah.)
11-06-2010 08:23 AM
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Post: #40
RE: Ispcp irc server.
We use ICQ too... Not only #ispcp and also, you should know that we have specific channel for ispCP team.
11-06-2010 08:27 AM
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