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April 2, 200717 years ago

ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC1 released

The ispCP Omega team is proud to announce the first unstable development version of ispCP Omega.

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March 17, 200717 years ago

ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC4 released

189 Tickets after 1.0.0 RC3 ispCP has reached 1.0.0 RC4. 
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February 26, 200718 years ago

Version numbering changed

Because a lot of people get confused of our version numbering of ispCP Omega starting at 2.4.8 and because we want to show that ispCP Omega is actually a completely reborn of VHCS, the development team has decided to give the first release the version number 1.0.
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February 26, 200718 years ago

Nightly builds available

For interested people, it is now possible to download nightly builds on the download page of this site.
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February 21, 200718 years ago

Mailing lists

ispCP Announce

ispCP Announce is a very low traffic mailing list for announcements regarding ispCP and ispCP Omega, mostly important project news, release notes, security advisories and important updates.
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February 21, 200718 years ago

Project info

What is isp Control Panel?

isp Control Panel (ispCP) is an open source project founded to build a Multi Server Control and Administration Panel. This Control Panel is usable by any Internet Service Provider (ISP).
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